My first web site and my first posting.
I am very excited about this winter and I have had a wicked summer of training under my belt. On Wednesday the 12th Nov. I will be heading to scando to meet up with one of my team mates in Sweden to get ready for the world cup season. The rest of the team heads to Silver Star to get on the white stuff since it seems it doesn’t want to fall here in Canmore quite yet. I have had some amazing training camps this year. They all had me come back to Canmore in better shape every time. Starting with Silver Star early may which was allot of fun and great skiing at that time of year.
With a new camp on the plan we where all excited about the nipika camp which truly was beautiful.
Then off to the glacier which is always a blast, training and living so high teaches you to really chill out in your skiing not to over due it.
After that I hoped on a plane to Germany to join my friend Jens Filbrich and the German men's team on a training camp in Switzerland that was an eye opener.
For my last camp off we went to Mammoth and Truckee which is always a delight.
And now I am ready to head over seas and put some kilometres down on the snow.
Till next time wish me luck